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http://thesims3.ea.com/January 23, 2006 - While the notion may be as shocking as the earth continuing to rotate, it looks like Electronic Arts may be planning The Sims 3. As of this morning, design outfits Gamma Ray and Feng Zhu Design listed The Sims 3 among the projects to which they're contributing. (The title has since been removed from both sites.)
When asked whether another entry in the titanic franchise was already being designed, Electronic Arts would not confirm specific plans.
"EA knows that fans of the Sims just can't get enough of the franchise," an EA spokesperson told IGN. "As a company we are always exploring new ideas for how we can bring more great Sims games to these gamers, but until EA announces that a new Sims game is in the works, any speculation would be premature."
Though EA may not be ready to talk about a Sims 3 at this point -- after all, The Sims 2 is still in the prime of life -- we have little reason to doubt a third title is in the works. Of course, the design work that the above companies would contribute usually comes early in the development process, meaning The Sims 3, if it's in the works, is likely still years away.
For more screen shots please visit my Sims 3 picasa web album.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANT THIS GAME ! I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE IT ! -__________- and sepertinya gue share gambarnya kebanyakan yak wakakak