hey peopleeeeeeeeesss !!! i miss ya so so so much !! long tym no posting blog, btw. i know am a bad bad bad bloggers but yaaa am busy guys hehehe forgive me puhleaseee =P ok, i'll tell ya sumthin! at 5 november 2009, last wednesday is my birthday !!! am 15th years old now woohoooo thankyou God! because i can meet ma birthday again hahaha ma mom wake me up at 00.01 am and gave me a surprised! hellyea it's suprising me, ofcourse! then, mom gave me a gift too hahaha u know? the gift is a...........lots of money !!! woohooooo love ya love ya love ya love yaaa mom muah thankyou very much =D then we took a pict togetha, and i slaughter my tart then give the first tart to ma mom hehe eh suddenly, ma first sis got home and gave me a greetings. yayaya then we took a pict togetha (again) hahaha ofcourse, we took a freaky photo -,- ahyaaa at 01.30 am, i go to my comfy bed haha and sleep tight. yeah, thankyou so muuuuuuch for my family, my fuckin bestf, my fuckin boyf and my fuckin friends in my fb twitter who give me a greetings. I LOVE YOU ALL (Y) hope i can be a good person yaaa just wish me luck hehe *smooch*

sorry, i just show a lil bit of my photos hehehe it's too much if i sud show all of my fuckin photos hahahahaha