Jamal is my cutie crazy skinny tally friend haha he always make me laugh everydaaaaaayy ckck ohya and I always hit his back and his head when I laughing hahahahaha I'm sorry boy :P he always talking with Fitri Tropica version (you can called lebay), sing a freaky song, and dancing a freaky dance hahaha -- enough.
Zahra is my beauty smarty crazy freaky friend kwokwokwk she has short body (like me) and she always lebay (like jamal and me) hahaha and you know ? when laughing, her face and her voice it's so so sooooooooooo funny !!!! really!!! wakakakakak you should see that! haha she is really smart woohooo excellent (Y) and she's my chairmate in my class or if she was absent, Jamal will changes Zahra to be my chairmate hahahaha -- enough.
If we meet together, we're always make a big nose and play our nose big small big small wakakakak called : hime! hahahaha why my friends it's so crazy ? --,- I really love em so much muah muah muah they are my best best best best friend fufufu thankyou God :)
check our photo and video out!